EPA Risk and Resilience Assessment Deadline Approaching

Deadlines Are Approaching!

It’s time to review, revise, and update your EPA Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) for compliance with the America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). For community water systems (CWS) serving more than 3,300 persons, the upcoming deadlines are:
  • CWS Serving greater than, or equal to, 100,000 persons: RRA due March 31, 2025
  • CWS Serving 50,000 – 99,999 persons: RRA due December 31, 2025
  • CWS Serving 3,301 – 49,999 persons: RRA due June 30, 2026
The deadline for the updated Emergency Response Plan (ERP) falls SIX MONTHS after the deadline for the RRA.

The RRA and ERP itself is not due to EPA, however, a certification form stating that the RRA and ERP has been reviewed and updated is required to be submitted. ALL RRAs and ERPs are to be available for review upon inspection! Please keep a printed copy available with your Operations and Maintenance Manual.

CWS serving fewer than 3,301 persons are NOT required to submit certification to EPA. It is still recommended that the CWS develop and maintain a RRA and ERP for their own purposes.