WASTEWATER YEAR ONE (First Semester - Months 1/6)
Class Description Instruction Hours Provider Tuition
Apprentice Orientation This orientation will provide the apprentice with a full overview of the expectations of the apprentice program including the on-the-job training component and related instruction, recordkeeping requirements and communication. Also includes Anti Harassment in Apprenticeship Programs and Ethics for Water Professionals 5


Water Pro Academy

Apprentices will meet virtually (via Zoom) for 9 weeks of
instruction each semester. Period 1 instruction will include an introduction to wastewater systems, rules and
regulations, operator ethics and safety related topics.
CSM The CSM Course is a self-paced online course that builds the skills of High Performance & Lifelong Learning: Professional math and literacy skills, Learning agility, Persistence and self-reliance, Problem solving strategies and mindsets, Attention-to-detail and conscientiousness, High Personal Expectations, and Self-efficacy. 20 SMI Labs
Elective Credits Elective credits can be earned through CSUS courses, state licensing exam prep, attendance at conferences, expos, general and advanced training courses offered by KRWA, or outside training events (with approval from Workforce Development Coordinator). Costs and offerings will vary by semester. 2 Various $0-250 Additional
Minimum Instructional Hours Target For This Period 72 $1,000

First Semester Enrollment

WASTEWATER YEAR ONE (Second Semester - Months 7/12)
Class Description Instruction Hours Provider Tuition
Apprentices will meet virtually (via Zoom) for 9 weeks of
instruction each semester. Period 2 instruction will include an overview of all stages of the treatment process, disinfection, sludge handling, and wastewater plant maintenance.


Intro to
The goal of this course is to increase understanding of the people and processes involved in water and wastewater construction projects. 1 Water Pro Academy
Technical Math
Course topics include Advanced conversions and dimensional analysis (including complex rates), Mixtures and dilutions, Formula use and rearrangement, Temperature conversions, Meter errors, Percent Change, Significant Digits, Parts per million and parts per billion.
** The CSM Course is a prerequisite to Technical Math Essentials.
12 SMI Labs
Elective Credits Elective credits can be earned through CSUS courses, state licensing exam prep, attendance at conferences, expos, general and advanced training courses offered by KRWA, or outside training events (with approval from Workforce Development Coordinator). Costs and offerings will vary by semester. 14 Various $0-250 Additional
Minimum Instructional Hours Target For This Period 72 $1,000
